Wirral Fitness Blog

Fitness Fat Loss & Strength Blog

From Wirrals Expert Personal Trainer

The Benefits of Exercise on Testosterone Levels in Men and Women

Living on the Wirral provides endless opportunities for people wanting to lose fat, get fit, and become healthy and strong. As a 46-year-old personal trainer and hybrid athlete based in this unique...

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Best Exercise on a Busy Schedule

There are literally hundreds of ways to exercise to help you get fit, lose weight, and look your best; however, if you're like many of my personal training clients and you're short on time due to...

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Diet vs Exercise - Which is most important?


Hello, my good friend, thank you for taking the time to read this important blog which, I think you will find very useful if you take on board what I must share with you today. I recently...

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If you can't even be bothered to type your email you've got no chance getting off the couch to do some exercise!.... 3, 2, 1, GO!