Wirral Fitness Blog

Fitness Fat Loss & Strength Blog

From Wirrals Expert Personal Trainer

5 Essential Items to get Fit and Lose Weight at Home

With the rise in popularity of home fitness workouts and home fitness equipment, there is now more demand for people to get the great results they want from home. Fitness workouts across the...

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Home Fitness - Get into the best shape of your Life


In this article, I will introduce you to all the key areas that you're going to need to get fit, lose weight and be the best you can be from home! Despite my love for the gym, as a busy home...

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How to rejuvenate your mind and body during the Holidays

It’s December 23rd, and with the festive holidays about to start, it got me wondering about people’s ability to heal their mind and body as we typically view the holiday season to rest...

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